Créé pour les débutants en courtepointe, le Célestia contient juste assez de défis pour vous donner un aperçu de quelques techniques utilisées en courtepointe. Ce patron est conçu pour avoir un bloc central de format 12 po x 12 po fini que vous pouvez utiliser seul dans différents contextes, ainsi que deux bandes latérales pour le transformer en format napperon 18 po x 12 po fini.
You will find in this list the must-have to recreate this project.
- Colour 1 (red) : 15 cm
- Colour 2 (beige) : 30 cm
- Colour 3 (pink) : 15 cm
- Back : 35 cm
- Bias: 25 cm OR a pre-made bias of 65 » (165 cm)
- Batting: 35 cm
- Rotary cutter
- New blade
- Cutting mat
- Quilting ruler
- Crayon de marquage
- Fer à repasser
- Planche à repasser
- Thread for assembling
- Quilting ruler
- Aiguille universelle neuve
- Quilting clips or pins
- Sewing machine
Important note about the required materials:
When making our first quilt, it can be tempting to use the tools we have at home. However, it is important to know that the tools used will have a significant impact on the accuracy of the project and that accuracy is critical when making a quilt. The use of a rotary cutter, a ruler and a cutting mat becomes essential.
Since the quilting world uses imperial as a measurement unit, we will use inches exclusively for this pattern.
Colour 1 (red)
- 1 square of 4.5″ x 4.5''
- 2 squares of 4″ x 4''
- 8 squares of 2.5″ x 2.5''
Colour 2 (beige)
- 4 squares of 4.5″ x 4.5''
- 8 rectangles of 4.5″ x 2.5''
- 4 squares of 4″ x 4''
Colour 3 (pink)
- 2 squares of 4″ x 4''
- 8 squares of 2.5″ x 2.5''
- 1 square of 12 » x 12 »
- This piece will be cut later in the quilting process.

Until then, share your quilting projects with us with the #thefabricclub .